Having a Proof of Funds will significantly improve your chances of getting and closing your real estate deal! If you’re making offers on real estate, the Proof of Funds Letter is a very SIMPLE but POWERFUL addition to the Offer Package. In fact, most borrowers and agents won’t even look at an offer unless there’s a Proof of Funds letter attached. A proof of funds letter verifies and provides proof to a seller that the funds to purchase their property are available and ready to be used toward the purchase.

After you have determined that you want to make an offer on a property, the next step will be to acquire your proof of funds letter here so you can get it under contract and begin the due diligence process. Grab Your Proof of Funds Today!

Complete this form to get your Proof of Funds Letter

Only $9.97


Proof of fund letters are not available for investment properties located in states that we are not brokering in at the moment:  AZ, CA, ID, MN, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OR, SD, UT, VT. (DO NOT SUBMIT A REQUEST FOR A PROOF OF FUNDS LETTER IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN ANY OF THE ABOVE MENTION STATES.)

Proof of funds letters are not available online for more than $500,000. If you enter an amount more that $500,000, it will be reduced to $500,000. Proof of funds letters for a single loan collateralized by more than a single property are not available online. Information required to complete a proof of funds letter includes: Your business or entity name (Our lenders do not provide funding on real estate investments to individuals, only entities), the investment property’s full address and the expected loan amount.

Our lenders provide funds to investors for the purchase of non-owner occupied, residential property (investment property with four units or less) or commercial property (through partners) in most states. We nor our lenders are not responsible for the misuse of the Proof of Funds letter in anyway, nor will refunds be granted for typographical errors, any other inaccuracies, or for failing to comply with the notices above. A Proof of Funds Letter in no way obligates any lender nor Masoba Capital to you in any way.